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Welcome to Wadi Qana


Wadi Qana - or Cana Valley -  has a history of being a place of peace and plenty; local legend states the famous wedding at Cana, where Jesus changed water into wine, took place here. The land is owned by farmers from the nearby village of Deir Istiya. Palestinian villagers have been coming here for generations, not only to work, but also to relax and retreat into nature.


Visitors to Wadi Qana today can enjoy a picnic by the river bank, or a leisurely hike through olive, lemon, and orange groves. Unfortunately, Wadi Qana is also under threat. The fertile land here is highly coveted by the Israeli Occupation and several illegal settlements surround the valley. These settlers have displaced local farmers, and polluted fresh water sources. If unchecked, they could completely destroy this quiet agricultural haven.


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